Council of Constantinople
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Council of Constantinople can refer to the following church councils (also known as synods) convened in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul, Turkey):
Councils prior to the East–West Schism of 1054
[edit]- Council of Constantinople (360), a local council
- First Council of Constantinople (381), the Second Ecumenical Council
- Council of Constantinople (382), a council convened by Theodosius I.
- Council of Constantinople (383), a local council, rejected teachings of Eunomius
- Council of Constantinople (394), a local council, produced several canons
- Council of Constantinople (518), affirmed the Council of Chalcedon (451)
- Council of Constantinople (536), deposed Anthimus I of Constantinople, condemned opponents of the Council of Chalcedon
- Synod of Constantinople (543), a local council which condemned Origen of Alexandria
- Second Council of Constantinople (553), the Fifth Ecumenical Council
- Third Council of Constantinople (680), the Sixth Ecumenical Council
- Council of Constantinople (692), also called the Quinisext Council or Council in Trullo
- Council of Constantinople (754), better known as the Council of Hieria
- Council of Constantinople (815), a local council that restored iconoclasm
- Council of Constantinople (843), a local council that restored the veneration of icons (the 'Triumph of Orthodoxy')
- Council of Constantinople (861), a local council that confirmed the deposition of Ignatios of Constantinople and election of Photios I of Constantinople
Councils of differing interpretation between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
[edit]- Council of Constantinople (867), a local council convened by Photius to discuss Papal supremacy and the Filioque
- Fourth Council of Constantinople (Catholic Church) (869), considered the Eighth Ecumenical Council by the Catholic Church, deposed Photios I
- Fourth Council of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox) (879), considered the Eighth Ecumenical Council by some Eastern Orthodox, also called the Photian Council as it reinstated Photios I
Councils after the schism (only attended by Eastern Orthodox bishops)
[edit]- Council of Constantinople (1082), a local council convened to condemn John Italus
- Council of Constantinople (1094), also known as the Council of Blachernae (1094), a local council convened to condemn Leo of Chalcedon
- Council of Constantinople (1285), also known as the Council of Blachernae (1285), a local council that rejected the Roman Catholic Second Council of Lyon
- Fifth Council of Constantinople (1341–1351), considered the Ninth Ecumenical Council by some Orthodox, resolved the Hesychast controversy
- Synod of Constantinople (1484), condemned the Roman Catholic Council of Florence
- Council of Constantinople (1583), decided not to accept the Gregorian calendar
- Council of Constantinople (1593), approved the creation of the Moscow Patriarchate
- Synod of Constantinople (1638), condemned Cyril Lucaris' Confession
- Council of Constantinople (1722), condemned all forms of Catholicisation
- Council of Constantinople (1756), affirmed the necessity of rebaptism for Roman Catholics converting to Orthodox Christianity
- Council of Constantinople (1848), issued the Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs, a reply to Pope Pius IX's In Suprema Petri Apostoli Sede epistle (also titled the Epistle to the Easterners)
- Council of Constantinople (1872), condemned phyletism as a non-Orthodox schismatic movement
- Council of Constantinople (1923), a major council, (although not ecumenical,) introduced several reforms, most controversially the revised Julian calendar reform